Part 39: Day 33, The Green Coast, Attack (Victory)
AJ_Impy posted:
Summon forth Gregory.
Theantero posted:
The only correct choice.
Herr Tog posted:
Let him rule the field of battle

They want Gregory.
*sigh* I
know they want Gregory.

Are we gonna--

Yes, let's go get Gregory.

Move out, Stealthsuits. We'll take the banners in silence.

Naturally. (By the Ethereals, the Ork hordes are endless.

Right, well, while you start your attack, we're gonna harass the Footstompaz with Drones.

Endless Drones is never not funny!

'Ere dey come, Footstompaz! Keep da trainersafe. I don't want no Squiggoth stompin' our boyz.

Whatcha doin', Rokkitrangaz? They's comin' fer ya! Attack!

Uh, I think we took a wrong turn.

We've gone too far south. This is the Rokkitrangaz outpost. We can still access the relic from here, but we have to go through it.

Well, alright. Might as well knock out their banner as well. The Footstompaz are distracted right now anyways, so they can wait.

Stealth and jetpacks.

Yup, stealth and jetpacks.

I told ya the boss wasn't so tough. 'E can't even protect 'is own banners.

Becha' Gorgutz ain't so tough neither.

Yeah, let's find out!

Let's move onto the relic while they fight amongst themselves.

Ha! The Drones have killed the Squiggoth trainer!

Da Squiggoth's loose! Clear out, boyz!

Oh, no! Look out!

Hahaha, take your time, Shas'o! The Drones are having a blast right now.


That's good, but we're approaching the relic anyways. We'll be with you soon.

The way is clear. Tau guns to the front!

We're mobile.

Oi, Gorgutz let'em take the Maw of Gork! He ain't no boss, get'im!

Gregory is ready. We're sending him to eliminate the Squiggoth. It'll attack anything that comes near it, Ork, Tau or Kroot, and it's currently in your way.

Are you ready for the fight of the century?

Gregory versus The Squiggoth!!!

This Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!!!

And the Squiggoth is down! Yeah, that's right, Gregory. Walk away like it wasn't no thing.

Moving into the Footstompaz base. There isn't much left, but we can still turn the few remaining Orkz against Gorgutz. Rubbing salt in the wounds, so to speak.

Oy! Gorgutz Big Banner just got itself stomped!

Ha! We'll stomp all of Gorgutz' Boyz!

They're distracted. Target them all and eliminate.

Gregory has arrived on the front to assist you.

Excellent news. There wont' be anything left of the Footstompaz once we're done with them.

Good job, everyone! They way is clear. We march onto Gorgutz base itself!

Come on, Greyskin! I need yer skull fer me pointy stick.

Don't you see that your defeat is inevitable, Ork? You cannot hope to win.

How 'bout you shutting yer yap and getting over here so's we can chop ya? Can I hope fer that?

Barbarian. Alright, then. Tau and Kroot, together now. Give them everything you've got!

Gregory has found Gorgutz! Support him!

Drones are right behind him.

So dis is the thing dat ate me Squiggoth, eh? Maybe I ought'er have a taste of it fer re-compensation.

Keep firing! Focus all fire on Gorgutz! The Orkz will collapse without his leadership!

Heh heh heh, that tickles!

Our railguns are hitting him, but he's still standing!

What is this monster made of?

Right now? Heh heh, I'm made'o yer little dinosaur here. Took me a bite roight out of'is neck. S'tasty! A bit like chicken. Hahahaha!

Gregory is down.


This barbarian dies today!

Oh, ya ain't got me yet. Got me one more serprize for ya!

Boss, we'ze getting shot up!

Ain't you da master of da obvious. Use da 'splosives!

Da what?

Da bomb, ya git! Da bomb!

Always have yer tunnels dug'n ready.

You sure iz smart, boss.

Shut it, ya git! I got me a whole Waaagh! to rebuild. Now get me the Gork offa dis here planet.

Heeey! We did it!

Excellent work everyone.

We haven't had that much fun in ages.

Kronus is ours!!

You've done well, Shas'o.

Yeah, we won!

Yup. And in the end, it all boiled down to stealth and jetpacks.

Well, that and the fact that the Tau were clearly superior to every other race. And I mean every other race. Heck, the Tyrranids didn't even show up because they knew they didn't stand a chance. Of all the races we've fought, they'e clearly the brightest of the bunch for knowing when to stay out of it, ha. Anyways, let's head back to Or'es Tash'n and reconnect with Aun'el. We have a lot of work ahead of ourselves to secure this colony.

With the last enemy stronghold broken, the Tau hold on Kronus became secure once again.

In large part, thanks to my skill.

The task force sent from the Tau home world remained on the planet to secure it, and soon thereafter further waves of settlers and colonists arrived from across the empire.

The humans left on Kronus found life increasingly difficult for them--many had embraced the Imperial return and now found themselves subject to reeducation and other penalties.

You saw the fanaticism expressed by the Imperial Guard! Did you expect anything less?

Intensive colonization by Tau and Kroot led to a rapid demographic swing, with the human population dwindling to less than 5% a decade after the Dark Crusade.

Although no public announcements were ever made to this effect, it seems clear that human births on Kronus also dropped precipitously.

An unfortunate side-effect of the war.

In part due to the single-gender reeducation camps imposed by the Tau, but it is possible that the alien powers undertook some form of sterilization project--all for the so-called Greater Good.

Um, excuse me? This is all speculation and rumour. Who is this narrator? Probably some human. "So-called"? Yeah, right.

Oh, Gregory healed from his wounds, by the way. He went on to live happily every after.

Whatever the truth, when Kronus was admitted as a full sept of the so-called Third Sphere, its human population was but a footnote.

This "so-called" narrator sucks. Tau rule!

Oh yeah, that's it, by the way. We've won. Go home, War Council. You did a great job!